How do you measure happiness? Can someone really be happy with his surroundings and his existence for at least 30 full minutes? Why is it that our greatest desire, is to form a part of something? We want to be part of something larger than ourselves (and to an extent we already are), and we put all our efforts into belonging to that few, even if it means leaving our convictions, morals and ideals behind. Why is it that we are so occupied with life, that we are too lazy to think novel thoughts, or even have our own? We succumb to the group mentality fast, we are not firmly convinced even of our own ideas.
Think about, how it might ideally be. We, not succumbing to racial, national or religious chauvinism, thinking for ourselves and solely for ourselves, not imposing any beliefs on anyone. How beautifully rich our world would be, full of rich ideas and novel thoughts by the truck load. Amazing thought, but are we really capable of achieving even a small part of this feat? Only time knows, and time does not tell.
Why are we so stubborn? Why is it that we stick with our delusions, long after they have been proven untrue. Is it really necessary to stick with religion? Even if such a deity existed, it has made it pretty clear that it doesn't give the slightest thought to us. There are hundreds of deaths each day by violence alone. And if you argue that that is just a result of human freedom given to us by the supreme deity which you happen to believe in, well then, why do thousands of people have to succumb to hunger each day, why do we praise a deity who clearly doesn't mind us at all, how strange you are, you people. You want to belong, you want to feel like a part of something, but let it be productive, let it be good, let it not be belonging to some organization which venerates an invisible, imperceptible deity who doesn't give us a thought.
Religion has hijacked good, perhaps we know what is good, for us... Perhaps what's good for us, isn't good for our neighbor, or our planet. Profiteering is good to some extent to us, but it generally is harmful to the environment. But ultimately, there must be no definite good and evil. There must be no general definition of what's good nor of what's bad. Thus something that is generally considered bad, can be used in particular situations, while others considered good, may not be used in special situations, because of the same reasons of which one may use a bad thing for a good thing. A good thing may turn bad. There is no definite good or bad, I can be good to a homeless person by handing him some money, however to a bystander it may seem bad, because the homeless person, (according to the bystander) may use it for alcohol. Furthermore if you ask the homeless person, alcohol may be the best for him right now, he is already fed and he just wants to disconnect from the world for a few hours, but then another bystander thinks, that that money might as well buy another meal later, and demonizing alcohol, because alcohol is bad, the bystander continues in his mind. But what could be called good or bad, what could be such a situation in which no human being thinks that it is the opposite than what the rest of society thinks? Nothing, nothing in the example I just put forth, nor in any situation you or any one human will face now, then or every time. There is someone inhumane enough to think that losing a human life is good, there are always mentalities that love the oppressing force of money, and will think for the behalf of money rather than for their fellow human beings.
Don't be so eager to be remembered, you might end up doing things you will be remembered for, but with cries of hatred rather than with tears of joy, although if you want to be remembered there you go. Although being remembered shouldn't be a crucial part of your life, in half a century, Jesus Christ will be another myth, joining the likes of Zeus and Venus and so on. Who is going to be Stalin in 1000 years? Humans have a tendency of forgetting history, whether we like it or not, we need to at the very least acknowledge it.
Why do being connected makes us feel the way it does, rather than some other way it could be, being connected to something may cause a feel of repulsion, but it does not, why? And why do we crave it so much? Perhaps these are highly personal questions, but for me its crucial to have a shot at these big questions, to ponder in my loneliness, about the fragile human condition and what makes it up. We might as well have developed the other way around, and crave loneliness, and to an extent we sometimes do, but we desire much more to be connected, why is that? That question intrigues me, it feels important and a big part of our condition. At the end, is just a matter of questioning the status quo, and to feel alive.